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Aspiring Journalist
About Me

Bloom's Blog: sweet serenity.
Founder: Mary-Joy

About Me














Welcome beautiful to Bloom's- Blog page! This blog contains posts about my life, poems, stories, faith, grace & spiritual growth. I know that faith has helped me personally, in the storms of life, every step along the way, every battle & trial I have endured, believing in something has always helped me go on. Faith will continue to be my anchor and source of strength because its the only reason I am alive to this day. I believe this blog will encourage you and bring you a little bit of hope in this crazy roller coaster ride, called life!
"For he is the maker of the stars, the trees and the universe and yet he is the maker of every heart."
I am loved and that is enough.
For when I am lost, my father finds me.
You are the maker of it all  & yet you still want my heart.
This grace is like no other this grace is unending.
Nothing compares to who you are.
For where faith lies fear is diminished.
You are my peace in the chaos.
A  simple word can change someone's heart forever.
Work Experience

What my blog is about!








      Faith in the Midst of Storms.

This blog is about the journeys of life. I am an open book and believe that honesty and love are powerful forces humans hold. Life is about freedom and the freedom to be completely who you area made to be and I strongly believe that every person has a purpose on this earth. I truly believe that even in the midst of adversity you can have peace because that is what faith is all about: peace in the storms. The ability to see the unseen and know the unknown!


I hope you enjoy my posts and feel free to comment below and let me know what you think!


This world has enough hate lets show it some love!



Thanks friends xo


I get lost when I write and when I am lost in the words, I am found.

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